KEIJLARD ( dutch version)

Departure at Schiphol, 1946 (photo with names)

- To the simple tree of the family Keijlard

- To the much more detailed tree of the family Keijlard, with a lot of photographs and documents

(this page is only to be seen for the family and is therefore protected with a password,

which you can obtain here )

- To the ancestors of Heijntje de Ree, de wife of the first Jan Keijlard

- To the descendants of Mathias Doomer, who was befriended with Rembrandt en was even portrayed by him!

(All Keijlard are descending from him.)

- To the story of Wim Keijlard which he wrote himself about the war in Indonesia 1940-1945

- To the biography of his wife Cornelia van Steenhoven (wife of Wim Keijlard)

- More information about the town Cheylard in France, where the name might have come from.

- Recent discoveries and news at Keijlard -news