Gegevens uit St Amand

(aug. 2006) TERUG naar MIJN STAMBOMEN

Lijst van vluchtelingen uit St Amand

Artikel door Pascal Copin over relatie Leiden - Saint Amand

Mariages de couples de Saint Amand et des environs à Leiden (Leyde) au XVIIe siècle


Au XVIe, puis au XVIIe siècles de nombreux compatriotes quittèrent notre région et s'expatrièrent souvent pour toujours pour échapper aux persécutions religieuses ; on a déjà pu lire dans " Valentiana " notamment l'histoire de ces marchands de Valenciennes qui créèrent l'église St Julien à Southampton; d'autres émigrants s'installèrent aux Pays Bas et fondèrent des églises wallonnes de langue française à Middelburg, à Amsterdam, à Leyde (Leiden).

Un correspondant généalogiste de Leiden, Monsieur Jouke de Vries, a bien voulu m'adresser ces deux listes d'émigrants originaires de St Amand et de sa région qui se marièrent et fondèrent des familles à Leiden au XVIIe siècle.

NB : Ces actes sont pour la plupart en néerlandais, même si il en existe parfois aussi une version en français, car c'était la langue de l'église wallonne, mais les bans (ondertrouw) sont pour la plupart en néerlandais ; les noms ont souvent ont été néerlandisés et l'on a tenté de rétablir la graphie habituelle dans la région .L'origine des mariés n'est pas nécessairement juste ; il se peut que l'on ait indiqué " de Saint Amand " alors qu'il aurait fallu indiquer "des environs ".

Pascal Copin (AGFH n° 980)


Simon du Gardin, des environs de Saint Amand, frère de Pierre du Gardin, x 17/12/1655 Hester de Chan (Descamps ?), de Leiden (témoin : Denis Cordier)

Pierre Degremont, des environs de Lille x 19/2/1660 Marie Brohon de Saint Amand

Jean Robare, drapier né à Valenciennes x 31/12/1650 Piéronne (Marie) Descarpentry de Saint Amand (témoins : Marcel Cheval, beau-frère du marié, et Jenne Descarpentry, sœur de la mariée)

Etienne Degremont, de Saint Amand x 3/12/1655 Catherine Carpentier (témoin : Bonaventure Martin)

Jean Degremont, de Saint Amand x 23/12/1658 Catherine Daniels (témoin : son frère, Etienne Degremont)

Adam Duflos, des environs de Saint Amand x 8/5/1653 Hester Ferverck (Farvaque ?) (témoins : Jan Duflos , frère du marié, Jenne Leman, mère de la mariée)

Jean Duflos, de Saint Amand x 18/4/1646 Ruth Deldick, de Leiden (témoins : le cousin du marié Philippe Del Croo ?, et la nièce de la mariée Catherine Delfortrie)

Michel Duflos, de Saint Amand x 10/10/1654 Michelle Hanock (Hennocq ?), de Saint Amand (témoin : Jean Duflos, son frère)

Michel Gourdin, de Saint Amand x 3/9/1636 Marie Drasge (Draze ?) (témoin : Marie Deltombe, sa cousine)

Etienne Gourdin, de Saint Amand x 10/7/1653 Elisabeth de Graerieu, de Mons en Hainaut (témoin : Michel Gourdin, son neveu)

Jean Lansel, de Saint Amand x 15/4/1636 Annette Leblan (NB c'est probablement le frère de Pasquier et Jacques Lansel nés à Amersfoort)

Jean Termin, né en Picardie x 16/4/1655 Marguerite Martin, de Saint Amand

Jacques Delcroix , de Boulogne x 8/12/1651 Stevenotte Delbecq, de Saint Amand

Pierre de Bay, de Saint Amand x 13/7/1668 Marie Pol, fille de Catherine Lettie

Pierre de Bay, veuf de Marie Polet xx 24/4/1671 Marie la Porte (témoins : Wijnand Leu, beau-frère du marié, et Hester Delporte, sœur de la mariée)

Pierre de Bay, veuf de Marie La Porte xxx 2/5/1687 Belitje Feije

Jacques Baudry, de Saint Amand x 30/4/1658 Marie Carré

Jacques Baudry xx 1/3/1671 Madeleine Dubois, de Cantelberg

Michel Baudry, de Saint Amand x 25/7/1656 Elisabeth Desobry, fille de Pierre Desobry et d'Elisabeth Jager (témoin : le frère du marié Pierre Baudry et la mère de la mariée Elisabeth Jager)

Philippe Baudry, de Saint Amand x 9/4/1655 Marie De Quesnoy, fille d'Isaac de Quesnoy et de Laurence Le Pla (témoin : Jacques Brabant, oncle du marié)

Pierre Baudry, de Saint Amand x 12/5/1656 Susanna Odou

Pierre Baudry xx 24/10/1657 Maria Kijkere (témoin, son frère Michel Baudry)

Pierre (Pieter) Baudry, de Saint Amand x 29/6/1646 Marie Souocle (Siocle ?), native d'Arras (témoin, le neveu du marié Philippe Mouré)

Pierre Baudry xx 31/10/1664 Cécile de Rouville, de Lille, fille d'Hugues de Rouville et de Marguerite Grummelier (témoin : Marie Catel, belle-sœur de la mariée)

Aantekeningen uit de correspondentie met Pascal Copin

In St Amand because of the Austrian invason during the French revolution 1792, most registers were destroyed except those kept in the courts or bishop's offices that started 1737; for this eason we have no records of older baptisms or marriages or burials except for the years 1694 till 1702 and, very recently I found a register of marriages 1615-1618; that is all that we have, but fortunately a priest of the parish who found it difficult to search the registers to check the possible family links that would prevent people from getting married, made a copy of the baptisms that is just a list of the babies (that was done around 1760);

for that reason I know that a Pierre Favier was born 30 march 1634, and that no other Pierre Favier was born sooner or later ( in fact no other between at least 1586 and 1650); so,
if your Pierre Favier was born in St Amand he was necessarily on 30 march 1634
For which concerns his parents, only a deed like the one I quoted concerning the Dugardin could give the evidence you're looking for

I think Michel Gourdin was born in St Amand and received baptism 9 1598 (I do not have the day) and his nephew Etienne 28 10 1631;but I do not have the parents.

Marie Coppin , who was Philippe Flament's wife, was the daughter of François Coppin and Marie Duchateau.
Marie Coppin received with her brother François a donation from François Gaudron (or Gadron) 27 october 1636, and François Coppin their father made his wills 23 apr 1627

François Coppin sr was the son of Jean Coppin and Jeanne du Cambge.

Jean Coppin was Guillaume Coppin's son,
what is more interesting is that Guillaume Coppin who was a rich merchant of Valenciennes , constable of the local militia, and municipal magistrate had already fled France (in fact the netherlands at that time) in 1567 for reasons of religion and with his brother in law also a merchant of Valenciennes and with his son Jean Coppin above mentioned as being
François's father, he created the walloon church of Southampton (St Julien)
but you probably knew already
this family Coppin is apparently so far not linked with mine even if Valenciennes is just 13 km south from St Amand (and a bigger city)

Denis Cordier:

5 deeds of may 1679 quote the family Dujardin or Dugardin 12th may sale of 3/4 of a house and estate in Lecelles (this village is the village in which the family Dugardin used to live, 3 km north from St Amand, also called le celle or celle in the old texts) by Pierre Dujardin and Abraham Segon living in Leiden, who represent themselves and Catherine Dujardin widow of Antoine Soreau, Catherine Beaumont (also Debeaumont) wife of Pierre Dujardin, Antoine Dujardin, Israel Dujardin and Jean Dujardin (all three sons of Hermes Dujardin, and Jeanne Dujardin widow of Denis Cordier, all living in Leiden, to Michel Baisier living in Lecelles
12th may sale by Pierre Gardin and Abraham Segon Philippe Gardin
12th sale of a garden in Lecelles by Pierre Dugardin and Abraham Segon who represent (follows a deed (in french procuration) made by a lawyer of Leiden
named Adrien Oosterling) theirs brothers and sisters Catherine Dugardin widow of Antoine Soreau, Jeanne Dugardin widow of Denis Cordier, Catherine Beaumont wife of Pierre Dugardin and nephews Antoine, Israel and Jean sons
of Hermes, after the death of their parents Mathieu Dugardin and Piéronne
Delacroix alive living in Lecelles
14th donation by Pierre Dujardin living in Leiden to his cousin Michel Baisier living in Lecelles (who happens to be my ancestor)

I went through the deeds made between 1670 and 1710 in St Amand;

these deeds are about estates (fields, gardens, houses...) belonging to the territory ruled by the abbey of St Amand
I noticed several persons living in the netherlands mainly Middelburg, sometimes Harlem or Amsterdam, and Leiden; I must add that sometimes we do not know the place for people are just sais to be expatriates and I have
examples of heirs for which a part of the estate is kept in case they come back and others who are not allowed to inherit anything for they are huguenots among the people living in Holland or Zeeland, I took note of the ones of Leiden :
31 5 1679 Pierre Caucefer and his wife, Marie Scombaic? sell a garden
25 6 1682 David Duchemin, innkeeper and his wife Marie Raviart
29 11 1680 Pierre Gargon son of Mathieu living in Harlem and Gérard Lefebvre
living in Harlem for Anne Labbé wife of Pierre Gargon, Catherine Gargon
widow of Pierre Leblan living in Harlem, Fédricq Taveraet? and Marie Gargon
his wife living in Leiden all children of Mathieu Gargon sell a house to
Jean Monnier and Barbe Tavernier his wife
1 10 1683 Marie Dubois widow of Philippe Apourcheaux
9 10 1699 Jean Baptiste Delespinoy son of Adrien
all these people living in Leiden (Leyde)

Lansel ; no baptism in St Amand ;the family usually lives in Rumegies a village 6 km north from St Amand and we do not have baptisms that old (only from1630 about); but it will probably be possible to find something in other archives

Degremont: that is pretty interesting; the persons you quote belong probably to the family d'aigremont, a very old noble family from Tournai; they had a
land (a fief) in St Amand named Mallerie or Maillerie from 1387 and in 1604 it was sold to a bourgeois from Valenciennes, probably because the family
d'Aigremont was punished for having chosen the calvinism and the lord of the place (abbé of St Amand) punished the family for that reason, I think it is natural that I do not find even one D'Aigremont in the baptisms(catholic baptisms )of St Amand nor even with their name of Mallery (they were probably members of the reformate church of l'Olive of which we know baptisms marriages and burials only from 1750)

Jenne Crombeijn (CROMBIN)
received baptism 17 2 1611 ; she is the only person of that name in St Amand and I will look for her origin

Douai: I could not find a deed linked with your family (Nicolas Lavain) of Douai; in fact I guess (can you confirm it? ) that they were not from Douai but from a
village near Douai where the family Lanvin was living; I have many tracks of this family of rich farmers in the villages around but I could not find the
bridegroom of your deed; the contrary would be a piece of luck for, usually, when people expatriate for reasons of religion they are left apart ...

Du Flo or Flos or Flocq; they must not be from St Amand but either from Rosult or from Brillon (Sars et Rosière), villages near St Amand in which the family lived, but no track in any certificate, which I can understand :
the certificates were made but the catholic church...
so , the only possibility is to find a deed (a sale for example) in which they are mentioned as it is for the Gardin (dugardin); I asked a friend of mine about them, so, if you would have more details it would be easier to find
About the family Duflos (Du Flo, Du Flocq); I think they are from Lecelles or more probably from Rosult, and I met several people of this family during my search around 1580-1600 in Rosult or around; two of them married members of the family Coppin: Magedeleine x ca 1585Jean Du Flo, and Pasque x ca 1628 Philippe Duflo; but I have not been able to make a link with yours so far for my other data are much more recent (1670 or later), but I will keep you informed

Davoine, Davaine
the Davoine or Davaine family is a family from Lecelles originally and some of its members settled in St Amand; they are known for being huguenots (protestants in fact) and its members married according to the protestant rite in the 18th century either in Lecelles or in the walloon churches of Tournai;

It is interesting to say that a Davoine family from Quievy (south from Valenciennes was also protestant.the individuals that you quote were probably not from St Amand itself but more probably from Lecelles (not on the baptisms list)

Villages around St Amand : Lecelles (Le Celle, coming from latin cella),
Nivelle, Maulde , Thun, Rosult, Sameon, Landas, Brillon and Sars et Rosière
(same parish at that time) but I think in the deeds you'll find "te bij St Amand", for in French they write "d'auprès de St Amand" without a name of a village Orzy is Orchies, Leusel(that you do not mention) is Lecelles (and le celle in the old days) and buvery is beuvry all this being north or north west from St Amand and near

Catherine du Moncheau (De Monsiou) baptisted in St Amand 15 2 1625

Pierre (Pieter) Deletombe or Deltombe 24 12 1629

and I guess Jean Le Pyne must be Jean Lespinoy born and baptisted St Amand 6 1647

Jouke, I give you the site: Philippe is a son of Henri and Marguerite Derocq farmer in Herlies married before 29 12 1610, who emigrated to Holland ; Didier Bouquet mentions that the information was given to him 20 years ago or so by Cornelis Delforterie (subdirector of CBG, I think); they enter the church in Holland in 1642 (april) and their son Philippe became a member of the church in 1636 Again, I think all this information (including an inventory quoted) comes from Leiden and was reported by M Delforterie

About the names:
Henneton or Henton
Dujardin, dugardin and gardin as well
Lemaire or Le Maire and sometimes Lemerre
de Leijne must be Lenne ?
Landa is usually spelled Landas or de Landas (which is a village name but
the family that you mention should not be linked with the noble family of same patronym
Thibault or Thibaut
de Moncheau or Du Moncheau
Descarpentries or Descarpentry or Des + Carpenry and so on
Despret (but could be Dupret which is a different family)
Jourdain or Gourdin
Dupont or Du Pont
Desrousseaux and many possibilities
Du Flos or Duflos or Du Flocq
Duhem or Du Hem
Delebecq and sometimes Becq
DuQuesnoy or Duquesnoit or Du + (Le Quesnoy is a small town near Valenciennes south)
Durieu or Du Rieu
Rijbaut could be Wibaut
De tombe is Deltombe or Dele tombe (in names as you know we can find de and le and the final together or separate)
D'Aigremont or Dengremont (other family)
Ravia or more often Raviart
Duchemin or Douchement